Rejniak Lab: Publications


Books written/edited:

"Systems Biology of Tumor Microenvironment", edited by K.A. Rejniak (2016), Springer, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology series, ISBN 978-3-319-42023-3, link to the book
"Computational Models in Oncology: from Tumor Initiation to Progression to Treatment", edited by K.A. Rejniak and H. Enderling (2013), Frontiers in Oncology link to the eBook
"Single-Cell-Based Models in Biology and Medicine" edited by A. Anderson, M. Chaplain, K.A. Rejniak (2007) Birkhauser-Verlag, Mathematics and Biosciences in Interaction (MBI) series, ISBN 978-3-7643-8101-1; link to the book
J. Jedrzejowicz, K. Rejniak, "Introduction to the Theory of Databases with Practical Examples for Btrieve" (in Polish), ISBN 83-7017-745-X, Gdansk University Press, 1997 and 1999 (2nd edition).
J. Jedrzejowicz, K. Rejniak, "Languages, Automata and Computational Complexity--exercise book" (in Polish), ISBN 83-7017-551-1, Gdansk University Press, 1994.


Contributed book chapters:

A. Karolak, S. Agrawal, S. Lee, K.A. Rejniak, Single-Cell-Based In Silico Models: A Tool for Dissecting Tumor Heterogeneity, "Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering", vol.3 pp. 130-143, Narayan S. (Ed), Elsevier (2019) ISBN 978-0-128-04829-0; link to the publication

A. Karolak, K.A. Rejniak, Mathematical modeling of tumor organoids: toward personalized medicine, in “Tumor Organoids”, Soker S., Skardal A. (Eds), Cancer Drug Discovery and Development, Springer (2018) ISBN 978-3-319-60509-8 (printed), ISBN 978-3-319-60511-1(ebook); link to the book

CSBC/PS-ON Handbook of Mathematical Oncology; a collection of mathematical methods from Cancer Systems Biology Constortium (CSBC) and Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON); link to the collection

our contributions: (1) 10.1101/031294; (2) 10.1101/235653; (3) 10.1101/629907;

J.L. Gevertz, Z. Aminzare, K.A. Norton, J. Pérez-Velázquez, A. Volkening, K.A. Rejniak, "Emergence of Anti-Cancer Drug Resistance: Exploring the Importance of Microenvironmental Niche via a Spatial Model" , Chapter I in "Applications of Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine", edited by A. Radunskaya and T. Jackson, Springer-Verlag, (2015), ISBN 978-1-4939-2781-4; link to the book

K.A. Rejniak, "IBCell Morphocharts: a computational model for linking cell molecular activity with emerging tissue morphology", Chapter XXIII, of the book "Discrete and Toplogical Models in Molecular Biology", edited by N. Jonoska and M. Saito, Springer, Natural Computing Series (2014), ISBN 978-3-642-40192-3; link to the book

A. Anderson, D. Basanta, P. Gerlee, K.A. Rejniak, "Evolution, regulation and disruption of homeostasis and its role in carcinogenesis", in T.S. Deisboeck, G. Stamatakos (Eds.), "Multiscale Cancer Modeling", Chapman & Hall-CRC, Mathematical and Computational Biology Series (2010), ISBN 978-1-4398-1440-6; link to the book
K.A. Rejniak, "Modelling the development of complex tissues using individual viscoelastic cells", Chapter IV.3 of the book "Single-Cell-Based Models in Biology and Medicine" edited by A. Anderson, M. Chaplain, K.A. Rejniak, Birkhauser-Verlag, Mathematics and Biosciences in Interaction (MBI) series (2007), ISBN 978-3-7643-8101-1; link to the book


Special journal issues edited:

"Computational Models in Oncology: from Tumor Initiation to Progression to Treatment", a special topic of the Frontiers in Oncology Journal, speciality: Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology, (2013), edited by K.A. Rejniak and H. Enderling, open access & ebook

"Computational Modeling of Cancer", a special issue of the IMA Journal on Mathematical Medicine and Biology 29(1), (2012), edited by A. Anderson and K.A. Rejniak


Journal articles:

  1. A. Hu, A.M.E. Ojwang', K.D. Olumoyin, K.A. Rejniak (2024), "LinG3D: Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Clonal Evolution", BMC Bioinformatics, 25:201, Pubmed:38802748, link to the article ~link to code GitHub
  2. S. Mathur, S. Chen, K.A. Rejniak (2024), "Exploring chronic and transient tumor hypoxia for predicting the efficacy of hypoxia-activated pro-drugs", npj Systems Biology and Applications, 10:1, Pubmed#38182612; link to the article ~link to code GitHub
  3. S. Poonja, A. Forero Pinto, M.C. Lloyd, M. Damaghi, K.A. Rejniak (2023), "Dynamics of fibril collagen remodeling by tumor cells: a model of tumor-associated collagen signatures", MDPI Cells, 12(23):2688, Pubmed#38067116; link to the article ~link to code GitHub
  4. S. Bazargan, B. Bunch, A.M.E. Ojwang’, J. Blauvelt, A. Landin, J. Ali, D. Abrahams, C. Cox, A.M. Hall, M.S. Beatty, M. Poch, K.A. Rejniak, S. Pilon-Thomas (2023), "Targeting Myeloid-derived suppressor cells with gemcitabine to enhance efficacy of adoptive cell therapy in bladder cancer", Frontiers in Immunology, 14:1275375, Pubmed#37901214; link to the article
  5. A. Gardner, Á. de Mingo Pulido, K. Hänggi, S. Bazargan, A. Onimus, A. Kasprzak J.R. Conejo-Garcia, K.A. Rejniak, B. Ruffell (2022), "BTIM-3 blockade enhances IL-12- dependent antitumor immunity by promoting CD8+ T cell and XCR1+ dendritic cell spatial co-localization", Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 10:e003571, Pubmed#34987021; link to the article
  6. J.L. Kingsley, J.R. Costello JR, Raghunand N, Rejniak KA (2021), "Bridging cell-scale simulations and radiologic images to explain short-time intratumoral oxygen fluctuations", PLoS Comput Biol 17(7):e1009206, Pubmed#34310608; link to the article ~~~ link to simulations ~link to code GitHub
  7. S. Suveges, I. Chamseddine, K.A. Rejniak, R. Eftimie, D. Trucu (2021), "Collective cell migration in a fibrous environment: a hybrid multiscale modelling approach", Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 7:680029, Pubmed#34322539; link to the article
  8. H. Enderling, P.M. Altrock, N. Andor, D. Basanta, J.S. Brown, R. A. Gatenby, A. Marusyk, K.A. Rejniak, A. Silva, A.R.A. Anderson (2020), "High school Internship Program in Integrated Mathematical Oncology (HIP IMO): five-year experience at Moffitt Cancer Center", Bull Math Biol 82:91, Pubmed#32648152; link to the article
  9. C. Berrouet, N. Dorilas, K.A.Rejniak, N. Tuncer (2020), "Comparison of drug inhibitory effects (IC50) in monolayer and spheroid cultures", Bull Math Biol 82(6):68, doi: 10.1007/s11538-020-00746-7; Pubmed#:32495209; link to the article
  10. J. Perez-Velazquez, K.A.Rejniak, (2020) "Drug-induced resistance in micrometastases: analysis of spatio-temporal cell lineages", special topic on Advances in Mathematical and Computational Oncology, Froniers in Physiology 11:319. Pubmed#:32362836; link to the article
  11. I. Chamseddine, K.A. Rejniak, (2020) "Hybrid modeling frameworks of tumor development and treatment", WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine, 12(1):e1461. Pubmed#:31313504; link to the article
  12. A. Karolak, S. Poonja, K.A. Rejniak, (2019) "Morphophenotypic classification of tumor organoids as an indicator of drug exposure and penetration potential", PLoS Computational Biology, 15(7):e1007214, Pubmed#31310602; link to the article
  13. A. Karolak, K.A. Rejniak, (2019) "Micropharamacology: An in silico approach for assessing drug efficacy within a tumor tissue", Bull Math Biol; 81(9):3623-3641, Pubmed#:29423880; link to the article; link to the article viewer
  14. A. Karolak, V.C. Estrella, A.S. Huynh, T. Chen, J. Vagner, D.L. Morse, K.A. Rejniak, (2018) "Targeting ligand specificity linked to tumor tissue topological heterogeneity via single-cell micro-pharmacological modeling", Scientific Reports, 8:3638, Pubmed#:29483578; link to the article
  15. A. Karolak, D.A. Markov, L.J. McCawley, K.A. Rejniak, (2018) "Toward personalized computational oncology: from spatial models of tumor spheroids, to organoids, to tissues", Journal of Royal Society Interface, 15:20170703, Pubmed #29367239; link to the article
  16. J. Pérez-Velázquez, J.L. Gevertz, A. Karolak, K.A. Rejniak, (2016) "Microenvironmental niches and sanctuaries: a route to acquired resistance", Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 936:149-164, Pubmed #27739047; PMCID:PMC5113820; link to the article
  17. K.A. Rejniak, (2016) "Circulating tumor cells: when solid tumor meets fluid microenvironment", Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 936:93-106, Pubmed #27739044; PMCID:PMC5113997; link to the article
  18. A.B. Shah, K.A. Rejniak, J.L. Gevertz, (2016) "Limiting the development of anti-cancer drug resistance in a spatial model of micrometastases", Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering, 13(6):1185-1206, Pubmed #27775375, PMCID:PMC5113823, link to the article
  19. K.A. Rejniak, M.C. Lloyd, D. Reed, M.M. Bui, (2015) "Diagnostic assessment of osteosarcoma chemoresistance based on virtual clinical trials", Medical Hypotheses Elsevier, 85:348-354, Pubmed #26130106, PMCID:PMC4549200, link to the article
  20. M.C. Lloyd, K.A. Rejniak, J.S. Brown, R.A. Gatenby, E. Minor, M.M. Bui, (2015) "Pathology to enhance precision medicine in oncology: lessons from landscape ecology", Advances in Anatomical Pathology, 22(4):267-72, Pubmed #26050264,PMCID:PMC4729443, link to the article
  21. J.W. Wojtkowiak, H.C. Cornell, S. Matsumoto, K. Saito,Y. Takakusagi, P. Dutta, M.J. Kim, X. Zhang, R. Leos, K.M. Bailey, G. Martinez, M.C. Lloyd, C. Weber, J.B. Mitchell, R.M. Lynch, A.F. Baker, R.A. Gatenby, K.A. Rejniak, C. Hart, M.C. Krishna, R.J. Gillies, (2015) "Pyruvate sensitizes pancreatic tumors to hypoxia-activated prodrug TH-302", Cancer & Metabolism, 3:2, Pubmed #25635223, PMCID:PMC4310189, open access
  22. M.J. Kim, K.A. Rejniak, (2014) "Mechanical aspects of microtubule bundling in taxane-treated circulating tumor cells", Biophyscial Journal, 107(5): 1236-1246, Pubmed #25185559, PMCID:PMC4156678, and included in the Biophysical Journal Collection on Cancer Biophysics; link to the article ; link to the collection
  23. M.J. Kim, D. Reed, K.A. Rejniak, (2014) "The formation of tight tumor clusters affects the efficacy of cell cycle inhibitors: a hybrid model s tudy", Journal of Theoretical Biology, 352:31-50, Pubmed #24607745, open access
  24. J.E. Macias-Diaz, K.A. Rejniak, (2014) "On a conditionally stable nonlinear method to approximate some monotone and bounded solutions of a generalized population model", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 229(1):273-282, link to article
  25. M.J. Kim, R.J. Gillies, K.A. Rejniak, (2013) "Current advances in mathematical modeling of anti-cancer drug penetration into tumor tissues", Frontiers in Oncology, Special Topic Title: Ways to improve tumor uptake and penetration of drugs into solid tumors, Host Specialty: Frontiers in Pharmacology of Anti-Cancer Drugs, Frontiers in Oncology Journal, 3:278, Pubmed #24303366, PMCID:PMC3831268, open access
  26. H. Enderling, K.A. Rejniak, (2013) "Simulating cancer: computational models in mncology", Editorial, Frontiers in Oncology, Special Topic Title: Computational Models in Oncology: from Tumor Initiation to Progression to Treatment, Host Specialilty: Forntiers in Molecular and Celular Oncology, Frontiers in Oncology Journal, 3:233, Pubmed #24062986, PMCID:PMC3772565, open access
  27. K.A. Rejniak, V. Estrella., T. Chen., A.S. Cohen., M.C. Lloyd, D.L. Morse, (2013) "The role of tumor tissue architecture on treatment penetration and efficacy: an integrative study", Frontiers in Oncology, Special Topic Title: Computational Models in Oncology: from Tumor Initiation to Progression to Treatment, Host Speciality: Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology, Frontiers in Oncology Journal, 3:111, Pubmed #23717812, PMCID:PMC3650652, open access 
  28. K.A. Rejniak, (2012) "Investigating dynamical deformations of tumor cells in circulation: predictions from a theoretical model", Frontiers in Oncology, Special Topic Title: Therapeutic targeting of circulating tumor cells, Host Specialty: Frontiers in Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, Frontiers in Oncology Journal, 2:111, Pubmed #23024961, PMCID:PMC3444760, open access
  29. K.A. Rejniak, (2012)"Homeostatic imbalance in epithelial ducts and its role in carcinogenesis", Scientifica, ID:132978, Pubmed #24278670, PMCID:PMC3820568, open access
  30. K.A. Rejniak, A.R.A. Anderson, (2012)"State of the art in computational modelling of cancer", editorial, IMA Journal on Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 29(1):1-2, Pubmed #22200587
  31. K.A. Rejniak, V. Quaranta, A.R.A. Anderson, (2012) "Computational investigations of intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms underlying the formation of carcinoma", IMA Journal on Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 29(1):67-84,  Pubmed #21106672, PMCID:PMC3499074, Free PMC Article
  32. Y. Kam, K.A. Rejniak, A.R.A. Anderson, (2012) "Cellular modeling of cancer invasion: integration of in silico and in vitro approaches", Journal of Cellular Physiology, 227(2): 431-438, (invited review and the highlights section), Pubmed #21465465, PMCID:PMC3687536, Free PMC Article
  33. K.A. Rejniak, A.R.A. Anderson, (2011) "Hybrid models of tumor growth", Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: System Biology and Medicine, 3(1):115-125, (invited review), Pubmed #2106403, PMCID:PMC3057876, Free PMC Article
  34. K.A. Rejniak, S.E. Wang, N.S. Bryce, H. Chang, B. Parvin, J. Jourquin, L. Estrada, J.W. Gray, C.L. Arteaga, A.M. Weaver, V. Quaranta, A.R.A. Anderson, (2010) "Linking changes in epithelial morphogenesis to cancer mutations using computational modeling" PLoS Computational Biology, 6(8):e1000900, Pubmed #20865159, PMCID:PMC2928778, open access
  35. K.A. Rejniak, L.J. McCawley, (2010) "Current trends in mathematical modeling of tumor-microenvironment interactions: a survey of tools and applications", Experimental Biology and Medicine, 235:411-423, Pubmed #20407073; link to article
  36. A.R.A. Anderson, K.A. Rejniak, P. Gerlee, V. Quaranta, (2009) "Microenvironment driven invasion: a multiscale multimodel investigation", Journal of Mathematical Biology, 58:579-624, Pubmed #18839176; link to article
  37. V. Quaranta, K.A. Rejniak, P. Gerlee, A.R.A. Anderson, (2008) "Invasion emerges from cancer cell adaptation to competitive microenvironments: quantitative predictions from multiscale mathematical models", Seminars in Cancer Biology, 18:338-348, Pubmed #18524624, PMCID:PMC3789515, Free PMC Article
  38. K.A. Rejniak, A.R.A. Anderson, (2008) "A computational study of the development of epithelial acini: II. Necessary conditions for structure and lumen stability", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70(5):1450-1479, Pubmed #18401665; link to article
  39. K.A. Rejniak, A.R.A. Anderson, (2008) "A computational study of the development of epithelial acini: I. Sufficient conditions for the formation of a hollow structure", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70(3):677-712, Pubmed #18188652; link to article
  40. A.R.A. Anderson, K.A. Rejniak, P. Gerlee, V. Quaranta, (2007) "Modelling of cancer growth, evolution and invasion: bridging scales and models", Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2(3):1-29, special issue on cancer modelling; link to article
  41. K.A. Rejniak, R.H. Dillon, (2007) "A single cell based model of the ductal tumour microarchitecture", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 8(1):51-69, open access
  42. K.A. Rejniak, (2007) "An immersed boundary framework for modelling the growth of individual cells: an application to the early tumour development", Journal of Theoretical Biology, 247:186-204, Pubmed #17416390; link to article
  43. K.A. Rejniak, (2005) "A single cell approach in modeling the dynamics of tumor microregions", Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2(3):643-655, Pubmed #20369945; link to article
  44. C. Popesco, A. Frostholm, K.A. Rejniak, A. Rotter ,(2004) "Digital transcriptome analysis in the aging cerebellum", Annals New York Acad. Sci, 1019:58-63, Pubmed #15246995; link to article
  45. K.A. Rejniak, H.J. Kliman, L.J. Fauci, (2004) "A computational model of the mechanics of growth of the villous trophoblast bilayer", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 66(2):199-232, Pubmed #14871565; link to article


Special collection papers:

  1. Ibrahim Chamseddine, Manoj Kambara, Priya Bhatt, Shari Pilon-Thomas, Katarzyna A Rejniak"Optimizing the Efficacy of Vaccine-Induced Immunotherapy in Melanomas", BioRxiv 2025,; link to publication
  2. Mate Z. Nagy, Lourdes B. Plaza Rojas, Justin C Boucher, Elena Kostenko, Anna L. Austin, Ahmad Tarhini, Zhihua Chen, Dongliang Du, Awino Maureiq E. Ojwang, Joshua Davis, Katarzyna A. Rejniak, Timothy I. Shaw, Jose Alejandro Guevara, "Effector T Cells under Hypoxia have an Altered Transcriptome Similar to Tumor-Stressed T Cells Found in Non-Responsive Melanoma Patients", BioRxiv 2024,; link to publication
  3. Awino Maureiq E Ojwang', Sarah Bazargan, Joseph O. Johnson, Shari Pilon-Thomas, Katarzyna A. Rejniak, "Histology-guided mathematical model of tumor oxygenation: sensitivity analysis of physical and computational parameters", BioRxiv 2024,; link to publication
  4. Anjun Hu, Awino Maureiq Ojwang, Kayode D Olumoyin, Katarzyna A Rejniak, "Visualizing the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Clonal Evolution with LinG3D Software", BioRxiv 2024,; link to publication
  5. S. Poonja, M. Damaghi, K.A.Rejniak, "Dynamics of fibril collagen remodeling by tumor cells using individual cell-based mathematical modeling", BioRxiv 2021,; link to publication
  6. J.L. Kingsley, J.R. Costello, N. Raghunand, K.A.Rejniak, "Bridging cell-scale simulations and radiologic images to explain short-time intratumoral oxygen fluctuations", BioRxiv 2021,; link to publication
  7. C. Berrouet, N. Dorilas, K.A.Rejniak, N. Tuncer, "Comparison of drug inhibitory effects (IC50) in monolayer and spheroid cultures ", BioRxiv 2020,; link to publication
  8. J. Perez-Velazquez, K.A.Rejniak, "Drug-induced resistance in micrometastases: analysis of spatio-temporal cell lineages", BioRxiv 2020,; link to publication
  9. H. Enderling, P.M. Altrock, N. Andor, D. Basanta, J. S. Brown, R. A. Gatenby, A. Marusyk, K.A. Rejniak, A. Silva, A.R.A. Anderson, "High school Intership Program in Integrated Mathematical Oncology (HIP-IMO) - five-year experience at Moffitt Cancer Center", BioRxiv, 2020,; link to publication
  10. P. Bhatt, M. Kambara, S. Pilon-Thomas, K.A. Rejniak, I. Chamseddine, "Modeling vaccine-induced immunotherapy: treatment scheduling and robustness with virtual nice cohorts", BioRxiv 2019,; link to publication
  11. N. Vitos, S. Chen, S. Mathur, I. Chamseddine, K.A. Rejniak, "Hypoxia in cancer chemo- and immunotherapy: foe or friend?", BioRxiv 2019,; link to publication
  12. P.M. Altrock,N. Yoon.,J.A. Bull,H. Wu, J. Ruiz-Ramírez, D. Miroshnychenko, G.J. Kimmel, E. Kim, R.J. Vander Velde, K. Rejniak, B.J. Manley, F. Spill, A. Marusyk, "The impact of tumor stromal architecture on therapy response and clinical progression", BioRxiv 2018, doi:; link to publication
  13. A. Karolak, B. Huffstutler, Z. Khan, K.A. Rejniak,"Assessment of patient-specific efficacy of chemo- and targeted- therapies: a micropharmacology approach", NIH/NCI Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Cancer Biology, BioRxiv 2017; doi:; link to publication
  14. R. Walker, P.E. Navas, S.H. Friedman, S. Galliani, A. Karola., F. MacFarlan, R. Noble, J. Poleszczuk, S. Russell, K.A. Rejniak, A. Shahmoradi, F. Ziebell, J. Brayer, D. Abate-Daga, H. Enderling, "Enhancing synergy of CAR T cell therapy and oncolytic virus therapy for pancreatic cancer". Biorxiv, 2016, doi:; link to publication
  15. K.A. Rejniak, "Micro-Pharmacodynamics: bridging in vitro and in vivo experimental scales in testing drug efficacy and resistance", NIH/NCI Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Cancer Biology, Biorxiv, 2016, doi:; link to publication


Meeting abstracts:

  1. Olumoyin K.D., Aydin A.M., Bunch B.L., Pilon-Thomas S., Poch M.A., Rejniak K.A., "An early determination of patients eligibility for a bladder cancer immunotherapy using a data science approach", AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Translating Cancer Evolution and Data Science: The Next Frontier, Cancer Research (2024) 84 (3_Supplement_2):A020. link to publication
  2. Ojwang’ A.M.E., Hu A., Williams M., Bazargan S., Johnson J., Pilon-Thomas S., Rejniak K.A., "A histological data-driven analysis of the hypoxic microenvironment of preclinical murine bladder tumors", AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Translating Cancer Evolution and Data Science: The Next Frontier, Cancer Research (2024) 84 (3_Supplement_2):B024. link to publication
  3. Bazargan S., Blauvelt J., Hall A., Beatty M., Poch M., Rejniak K.A., Pilon-Thomas S., "Targeting acidity in bladder cancer to enhance efficacy of adoptive cell therapy (ACT) with tumor reactive T cells", SITC 38th Annual Meeting (SITC 2023), Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, 2023;11(Suppl 1):A345 link to abstract
  4. Rejniak K.A., Poonja S., Mathur S., Damaghi M., Bui M., "Dynamics of fibril collagen remodeling in early DCIS invasions: integrating in silico modeling and tumor histology", Cancer Res. 2022 15(12), (Suppl 1) B010; doi:10.1158/1940-6215.DCIS22-B010; AACR Conference: Rethinking DCIS: an opportunity for prevention? link to abstract
  5. McDonald J., Raghunand N., Rejniak K., Frakes J.M., Song E., Latifi K., Kim D.W., Carballido E.M., Denbo J.W., Pimiento J., Parsee A., Hodul P., Hoffe S., Costello J. "Multisequence MRI with functional imaging may improve pseudogrogression vs. viable tumor detetermination following high dose adaptive MRgRT in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma", International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 2021, 111 (3), S15-S16 link to abstract
  6. Rejniak K.A., Poonja S., Mathur S., Kingsley J., Bui M., "ECM mechanical and metabolic architecture during early ductal invasions: integrating in silico modeling, histology-based machine learning and mechanobiology", Cancer Res. 2021, 81 (Suppl 5)LT017; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.TME21-LT017; AACR Conference: The Evolving Tumor Microenvironment in Cancer Progression; link to abstract
  7. Rejniak K.A., Poonja S., Kingsley J., Mathur S., Chamseddine I., Karolak A., Markov D.A., McCawley L.J. "In silico organoids: A model for deconvolution of microenvironmental and drug effects on tumor growth",   Cancer Res. 2020, 80 (Suppl 11)A47; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.camodels2020-A47; AACR Meeting on Cancer Modeling; link to abstract
  8. Roberts A., Johnson J.O., Karolak A., Alcantar N., Rejniak K.A., Wiranowska M., "Quantitative Assessment of the Intracellular Uptake of Chlorotoxin in a U87 Human Glioma Mouse Model for the Targeted Drug Delivery System", Cancer Res. 2018, 78(Suppl 13)A4650; AACR Annual Meeting; link to abstract
  9. Singh R., Falahat R., Williams E., Johnson J.O., Alcantar N., Karolak A., Rejniak K.A., Wiranowska M., "Cross-disciplinary optimization of nano-drug delivery to ovarian carcinoma and glioma cells", Cancer Res. 2017, 77(Suppl 13)A2185; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2017-2185, AACR Annual Meeting; link to abstract 
  10. Karolak A., Huffstutler B., Markov D.A., McCawley L.J,Rejniak K.A., "Elucidating the role of tumor microenvironmental heterogeneity with a computational model of 3D breast Spheroids", Biophysical Journal, 2017, 112(3) (Suppl 1):p45a, doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2016.11.283, Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society; link to abstract
  11. Rejniak K.A., "Physical interactions in ductal microinvasions: integrating histology with computational modeling", Biophysical Journal, 2017, 112(3) (Suppl 1):p39a; doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2016.11.245, Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society; link to abstract
  12. Karolak A., V. Estrella, T. Chen, A. Huynh, D.L. Morse, Rejniak K.A., "Image-based computational predictions of imaging agent efficacy in pancreatic tumors expressing TLR2", Cancer Res. 2017, 77(Suppl 2):A28; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.EPSO16-A28, AACR-EPSO meeting
  13. Rejniak K.A., M.C. Lloyd, A. Kasprzak, M.M. Bui, "Tumor-Matrix Interactions in Early Ductal Invasions: Integrating Histology Imaging With Computational Modeling", Cancer Res. 2017, 77 (Suppl 2):A32; doi:10.1158/1538-7445.EPSO16-A32, AACR-EPSO meeting; link to abstract
  14. Karolak A., Estrella V., Chen T.G., Huynh A., Morse D., Rejniak K.A,. "Using computational modeling to quantify targeted agent binding and internalization in pancreatic cancers", Cancer Res. 2016, 76(Suppl 3):B21, AACR Frontiers in Basic Cancer Research Conference; link to abstract
  15. Rejniak K.A, "Modeling tumor-microenvironment interactions under treatment: a computational study on pancreatic cancers", Mol. Biol. Cell 2013, 24:209; doi: 10.1091/mbc.E13-10-0584 ASCBAnnual Meeting
  16. Rejniak K.A, Kim MJ, Wojtkowiak J., Gillies RJ. "The interplay between hypoxia-activated drugs and the microenvironment in pancreatic cancers: a computational study", Cancer Res. 2013, 73:19, Proceedings of the AACR Annual Meeting; link to abstract
  17. Lloyd MC, Rejniak K.A, Johnson JO, Gillies R, Gatenby R, Bui MM, "Quantitative evaluation of the morphological heterogeneity in breast cancer progression", Laboratory Investigation, 92:392A, 2012
  18. Lloyd MC, Rejniak K.A, Johnson JO, Gillies R, Gatenby R, Bui MM, "Quantitative evaluation of the morphological heterogeneity in breast cancer progression", Modern Pathology, 25:392A, 2012